soft palate 软腭:硬腭后部的褶皱,部分分隔口腔和咽部。
体无完肤 idiom be covered all over with cuts and bruises; b
能人 n. able person; capable person; talent; expert; wh
添加剂 additive (agent)。
sculpture n. 雕像,雕塑作品;雕刻艺术,雕塑艺术;(动,植)(贝壳、花粉粒、角质层或其他
食不知味 Something is in my mind, and nothing to eat
仰 v. admire; hope; rely on; face upward; look up to;
headline n. (报纸的)标题,大字标题;(广播或电视里的)新闻提要,头条新闻v. 给(报
claim v. 声称,断言;索取,索要(钱);要求(拥有),认领;使丧生,致命;赢得,获得
颇丰 good
兼容性 compatibility。
裙带关系 petticoat influence; nepotism。
部首 n. radical; section header; indexing component。
consider v. 考虑,斟酌;认为,视为;体贴,顾及;细看,端详;探讨,讨论
光怪陆离 idiom bizarre and motley; grotesque and variegated